Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Circuit Breaker Analytics

  • Establish the value and use of various types of circuit breaker performance data (e.g., work orders, defects, failure records, relay data etc.)

  • Collect and analyze industrywide data to develop maintenance, asset management and model specific insights

  • Utilize the insights and utility’s fleet data to develop maintenance and replacement ranking framework

  • Guide utilities on what data they should have access to for asset management analytics

Power Transformer Spares Strategy Evaluation Model Development

  • Develop the Power Transformer Expert System software that can emulate expert thinking, utilize readily available data (dissolved gas, electrical tests, furans, online monitor, through faults etc.) and perform analysis to assess transformer condition and to help individual units at risk.

  • Collect and analyze industry wide in-service and failure data to develop hazard rates by family, make, model, application, and age

  • Develop statistical analysis tools that take hazard rates and utility’s fleet information for developing replacement forecast.

  • Develop statistical methodologies that utilities can utilize to evaluate spare transformer strategies.

Power Transformer Through Fault Analytics

  • Develop & validate algorithms to assess the susceptibility of a power transformer to through faults.

Balance of Substation (all substation assets other than power transformers and circuit breakers) Analytics

  • Establish value and use of various types of asset performance data (e.g., historical battery test data)

  • Collect and analyze industrywide data to develop maintenance, asset management and model specific insights

  • Research currently underway focuses on batteries, disconnect switches, capacitor banks and relays.

Advanced Analytics (e.g., Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing etc.) evaluates various techniques to identify whether they can be used:

  • To develop methods to transform a variety of asset performance data into an analysis ready format

  • To develop methods to analyze the transformed data

  • To categorize maintenance and outage records into meaningful categories

  • To extract actionable information such as dominant issues and trends, non-apparent patterns and relationships

  • For predictive analytics.