
Updates on tasks or tests

Subgrade Corrosion Map Update Screening your service territory for structures at risk has become an important tool for asset managers, engineers and maintenance crews. GIS Enabled, Subgrade corrosivity maps allow utility personnel to query circuits with severe corrosion and proactively manage the degradation due to soil exposure.

Coating System Selection and Application: Case Study Update: Coating system formulations evolve and change due to environmental restrictions and performance improvements. Evaluation by a third party is key to understand if the repair coatings are compatible with the old coating system and if the coating will perform well in different environments. The EPRI Coating Selection and Application library is migrating to a WebApp on the Transmission Resource Center so that utilities may quickly review more than 80 coating formulations and select the appropriate one for the utility needs.

Cathodic Protection and the Effects of Stray Current: In many cases the voltage level of stray currents that are found within the ROW fall below the safety criteria for touch and step potentials, so it is ignored and the effects are not well understood. This can be a fatal flaw in the asset management processes and discharge current may severely reduce the service life of a structure. This video demonstrates the concepts of anodic and cathodic interference and how we may identify each source to mitigate the stray current interference.