The life-cycle performance of a circuit breaker is determined by the performance and condition of its materials and components. Together, these characteristics drive the requirements for maintenance and refurbishment or replacement. However, there is limited quantifiable data on breaker materials and subsystem performance available to inform decisions and design cost-effective condition-based maintenance or replacement programs. Utility maintenance practices vary widely, as do manufacturers’ recommendations. This research addresses the need to develop information, techniques, and methodologies to support best practices in high-voltage circuit breaker life management. The methods developed for transmission classes may be adapted to medium-voltage (13.8–69 kV) breakers.
The objectives of the proposed research are to better understand circuit breaker operating stresses, underlying failure modes, and degradation patterns to provide utilities with knowledge and guidelines for selection, application, procurement, maintenance, and condition assessment and testing to ensure satisfactory circuit breaker life-cycle performance.
Through a multi-year research effort, it is anticipated that the project could result in:
- Methods to assess the aging of gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) and circuit breaker components and subsystems, including identification of failure modes and degradation mechanisms
- Innovative leak-sealing techniques for breakers and GIS and both SF6 and SF6 alternatives
- Noninvasive condition assessment techniques
- Assessment of diagnostic effectiveness of online monitoring as well as offline testing
- Maintenance guidelines for select mechanisms
- Reference books, guidelines, videos, field guides, and technology transfer workshops
- Collaborative forums for sharing lessons learned and best practices
Research Value
Proposed research may help utilities reduce costs and improve reliability and availability by decreasing the potential for circuit breaker failures and increasing the effectiveness of circuit breaker maintenance.
Research results are expected to provide:
- A quantitative understanding of aging and deterioration rates
- Reduced unplanned expenses and increased benefits and value of planned work
- A better understanding of the expected life of circuit breaker materials
- Knowledge for developing enhanced cost-effective methods for implementing a condition-based maintenance and replacement approach
- A technical basis to help assess and manage risks
- Better controlled life-cycle costs and risks, which contribute to reduced operating costs
- Improved reliability and quality of electric service by reducing unplanned outages and costs and improving customer satisfaction and service availability
Planned 2025 Research
Effect of Component Degradation on Circuit Breaker Operation intends to characterize possible consequences of degraded components on circuit breaker operation (for example, slow trip, abnormal mechanism wear, lubrication, compressor/pump failures) with the following:
Catalog failure reports and other information available from circuit breaker failure events and/or utility root cause analysis
Document industry practices in circuit breaker routine maintenance, diagnostic testing, and overhaul
Catalog utility experiences of using digital relays for circuit breaker diagnostics
Circuit Breaker Online Monitoring Effectiveness Assessment aims to develop and apply assessment metrics to various circuit breaker online monitors to determine which monitors and tests provide the most useful information. The objective is to provide information to assist in monitor application and specification.
Tasks in 2025 plan to:
Work with funders to identify specific circuit breaker monitors of the highest interest, and use publicly available information to perform systematic investigations to understand what capabilities are claimed, make comparisons, and assess their applicability
Perform tests in EPRI laboratories, when possible, to confirm that monitor measurements match comparable offline tests—for example, breaker timing
Document utility experiences with using online monitors
Maintain awareness by scouting commercially available and emerging technologies
Circuit Breakers Diagnostics Effectiveness Assessment intends to continue to assess the effectiveness of dynamic resistance measurements (DRM) and develop and apply metrics to assess the effectiveness of various additional circuit breaker diagnostic techniques. The objective is to provide utilities with guidance on the most informative and cost-effective procedures for nonintrusive diagnostics to support condition-based maintenance.
Tasks in 2025 plan to:
Better determine the relationship between DRM waveforms and contact condition and build a library for different circuit breaker interrupter models. The tests would rely on field-aged circuit breaker arcing contacts provided by utilities or by simulating defects using the circuit breaker in EPRI’s 138 kV substation laboratory.
Maintain awareness by scouting commercially available and emerging technologies.
Expand efficacy assessments to additional techniques, for example, X-rays, acoustics, and partial discharge.
New Markers for Circuit Breaker Dielectric Condition Assessment proposes to undertake a multi-year effort to research, develop, and apply new chemical markers that could assist in providing information for effective condition-based maintenance of oil-filled and SF6 circuit breakers. Initial focus will be on concept development. Future work may include methodology enhancement, prototyping, and additional experience gathering. Associated supplemental projects may be initiated to assist with field demonstrations and testing.
Leak Sealing for Circuit Breakers and Gas-Insulated Substations investigates methods that utilities can use to cost-effectively seal dielectric gas (SF6 and non-SF6) leaks. The emphasis is on identifying materials and techniques that can seal while maintaining equipment operating pressures and are easy for utility personnel to apply and remove. Novel techniques for sealing SF6 leaks on circuit breaker and gas insulated substation (GIS) component geometries at ground potential were developed, and three successful techniques identified in the laboratory are in field tests at eight utility sites. Tasks in 2025 plan to:
Continue monitoring the performance of the field trials
Develop application guides and “how-to” videos for techniques that are successful in the field and make them available through the Transmission Resource Center (TRC): Circuit Breaker Life Management
Continue investigations to find sealants that cure at lower temperatures
Scout innovative methods used by other industries and investigate whether they can be used for sealing breaker and GIS leaks
Develop techniques for additional geometries, for example, the bushing flange interface; some of these new geometries may not be at ground potential
Investigate scaling application of existing techniques to larger flange diameters
Initiate a new effort to investigate:
- Challenges that may be encountered in sealing leaks of SF6 alternatives
- Applying techniques successful in sealing SF6 to SF6 alternative gases
Circuit Breaker Reference Guide. There are plans to continue developing a comprehensive reference on circuit breaker procurement, operation, maintenance, and life-cycle management to serve as a resource for less experienced personnel. The goal is to develop a guide that provides information on fundamental design descriptions, operation, selection, and application principles, maintenance, monitoring, and replacement and captures the knowledge of leading circuit breaker experts. To date, nine sections have been written, including sections on circuit breaker installation, diagnostics, problem and failure investigation, lubrication, pump and compressor maintenance, specifications and procurement, and interrupter cleaning. New works aims to:
Develop guidance material for performing factory visits and design reviews for SF6 circuit breakers
Develop content on emerging circuit breaker technologies such as non-SF6 circuit breaker technologies
Develop content on handling SF6 and SF6 alternatives
Technical Webinars on the Circuit Breaker Guidebook intends to develop and host a series of technical webinars based on sections in the Circuit Breaker Guidebook. Content will be selected to accelerate learning on key topics in the Circuit Breaker Guidebook for those with less circuit breaker experience. Webinar material will be published for continued and convenient future access.
Circuit Breaker Mechanism Maintenance Guides. Maintenance supplements written for specific breaker models serve as training tools and guidance for proper mechanism field disassembly, cleaning, lubrication, and reassembly. Gaining importance as experienced personnel retire, the guides communicate information in step-by-step illustrated tasks, cover material not included in manufacturers’ instruction manuals, can be readily incorporated in a utility’s maintenance procedure, and have been developed for 11 models. The intent is to expand the library with new guides annually. Model selections will be prioritized based on advice from the task force.
HVCB Life Management Workshop proposes an annual workshop that will include tutorials on the material contained in the project’s products, presentations on utility experiences, and examples of the application of the project’s results.
Anticipated Deliverables
Deliverable | Date |
Technical Update: Effect of Component Degradation on Circuit Breaker Operation | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Update: Circuit Breaker Online Monitoring Assessment | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Update: Circuit Breaker Diagnostics Efficacy Assessment | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Brief: New Markers for Circuit Breaker Dielectric Assessment | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Update: Leak Sealing for SF6 Circuit Breakers and Gas Insulated Substations | 12/31/2025 |
Videos: Applying Leak Sealing for SF6 Circuit Breakers and Gas Insulated Substations | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Brief: Leak Sealing for Non-SF6 Circuit Breakers and Gas Insulated Substations | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Update: Circuit Breaker Reference Guide | 12/31/2025 |
Tech Transfer: Technical Webinars on the Circuit Breaker Guidebook | 12/31/2025 |
Technical Update: Circuit Breaker Mechanism Maintenance Guides | 12/31/2025 |
Tech Transfer: HVCB Life Management Workshop | 12/31/2025 |
Past EPRI Research on Topic
Product ID | Title | Description | Published Date |
3002027034 | Circuit Breaker Mechanism Maintenance Guides - 2023 | Presents mechanism-specific maintenance and lubrication instructions for nine models of high-voltage circuit breakers. The instructions are meant to supplement manufacturers’ instruction books and describe tasks beyond routine maintenance to extend the reliable operation of each mechanism type with limited disassembly. | December 2023 |
3002027018 | Novel SF6 Leak Sealing Techniques | Documents test plans and results of small-scale laboratory tests for sealing leaks from breaker/GIS components that are at ground potential (threaded fittings, bus flanges, and porous welds on buswork). Identifies promising materials and repair techniques for full-scale laboratory and controlled field testing. | December 2023 |