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Research & Technical Content

Key takeaways, results from ongoing research tasks and how they are applied in informing asset management decisions.

Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Reference Information

Key information from reference documents and guides (e.g.) or succinct descriptions of concepts (e.g. what is risk and how do I visualize it)


Updates on tasks or tests

1 - Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Transmission Asset Performance Metrics

  • Catalogue metrics currently being used to manage and assess transmission asset performance.

Asset Health Systems and Asset Analytics Technology Transfer

  • Provides a forum for utilities to:

  • Exchange information, experiences, and lessons learned.

  • Identify knowledge gaps, needed capabilities, and research topics.

  • Learn about new and emerging tools for improving analytics and methodologies for developing and implementing enhanced asset management applications and asset health indices.

Data Specification for Asset Performance Analysis

  • Catalogue of what asset characterization data, including demographic and condition assessments, are useful as inputs to EPRI asset management analytics and the formats required by those analytics

2 - Reference Information

Key information from reference documents and guides (e.g.) or succinct descriptions of concepts (e.g. what is risk and how do I visualize it)

Public Available Data Sources of Potential Interest

  • Data Science Groups at utilities can use this information in their work.

Risk Definition Visualization - White paper providing a better understanding of risk and describe approaches for evaluating and visualizing risk to support more effective power delivery asset management.

3 - Videos

Updates on tasks or tests