EPRI Transmission Sector Council (TSC)

Schedule of Meetings | Links | White Papers | EPRI TSC Role Responsibilities 2024

The Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions (ED&CS, formerly called PDU) Sector Council is comprised of executives from member utilities across the four Subsector Councils: (1) Transmission, (2) Distribution, (3) Information, Communication and Cyber Security, and (4) Electrification & Sustainable Energy Strategy. Council members contribute their leadership, expertise, and experiences to provide strategic guidance to help EPRI shape its policies, business practices, major objectives, research priories, and the broad vision and mission of the PDU Sector. Industry leaders are invited to serve on the Council by a Manager of EPRI Technology Transfer (METT) in consultation with the EPRI Sector Vice Presidents. The Council meets twice a year, Winter and Fall, in conjunction with ED&CS Advisory & Sector Council Meetings.


Andrew Phillips

VP Transmission & Distribution Infrastructure, EPRI

Carl Bridenbaugh

Vice President, Transmission, First Energy

Robert Brantley

Vice President, Central Engineering, Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.

Transmission Sector Council (TSC) Scope

The EPRI Transmission Subsector Council (TSC) directly oversees and guides the EPRI research in the areas of:

  • Transmission Planning
  • Transmission Operations
  • Transmission Asset Management and Specification
  • Transmission Substation and Line Design
  • Transmission Substation and Line Maintenance
  • Transmission & Distribution Environmental and Electromagnetic Issues


The TSC forms part of the ED&CS advisory structure as shown in Figure 1. As shown, there are equivalent Subsector Councils, Advisories and Task Forces for other areas. There are 3 Advisories that report to the TSC which in turn have task forces reporng to them. A subset of the TSC, the Transmission Execuve Commitee (TEC), is selected to provide guidance to the EPRI Transmission Leadership.

TSC and TEC Membership

The intention is that members of the TSC are executives which preferably have impact in their companies over Assets, Operations and Planning. If a TSC member is not able to attend a meeting, or a call, they may delegate their attendance to an alternate to represent their company. The TEC is a subset of the TSC membership. It is intended that the TEC membership is between 10 and 20 transmission executives. The TEC should represent a cross-section of utilities that participate in the TSC.

TSC Meetings

The TSC has two face-to-face meetings per year, Winter, and Fall. The Winter meeting is held together with the Transmission Sector Advisory Councils. The Fall meeting is held together with all ED&CS Sector Councils and Advisories. The TEC meets in-person at every in-person TSC for an hour (usually during a meal), and on conference calls when emerging issues arise.

TSC Member Roles

  • Guide EPRI team by highlighting emerging issues that should be addressed.
  • Become aware of progress of ongoing EPRI R&D and provide feedback on how to improve outcomes.
  • Ensure that their organization is appropriately engaged in Advisories and Task Forces.
  • Make TSC member’s organization aware of ongoing high priority research results so that they can be applied to increase safety and reliability, reduce cost, and environmental impact.
  • Share issues and experiences with other TSC members.

TEC Meetings

In-person TEC meetings are expected to be less than one hour and are collocated with the TSC meetings. TEC conference calls may be called by the TSC Leadership in-between the in-person TSC meetings.

TEC Member Roles

  • Guide EPRI team on emerging issues including but not limited to, how to engage other organizations, how to structure R&D to meet members’ needs.
  • Provide guidance on operational issues, e.g. how to best engage advisors at task forces, advisories, and sector councils.

TSC and TEC Leadership

The TSC and TEC are led by:

  • Chairperson (presently Carl Bridenbaugh, First Energy)
  • Vice-chairperson (presently Robert Brantley, Consolidated Edison)
  • EPRI Vice-President (Andrew Phillips)

It is intended that the Vice-Chair becomes the Chair. The term is intended to be one year, with the transition occurring at the Winter meeting every year The table below illustrates the transition.

2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall
Chair Name 1 Name 1 Name 1&2 Name 2 Name 2&3 Name 3 Name 3&4 Name 4 Name 4&5 Name 5
Vice Name 2 Name 2 Name 3 Name 3 Name 4 Name 4 Name 5 Name 5 Name 6 Name 6

The roles of Chair and Vice-chair are to:

  1. Guide EPRI Team in setting TSC agenda
  2. Manage the meeting (Chair can delegate to Vice-chair is they are unable to attend)
  3. Guide the EPRI Vice-President team on emerging issues with help of the TEC.

Schedule of Meetings

ED&CS Advisory & Sector Council Meetings

September 16th - September 19th, 2024

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JW Marriott Los Angeles

900 W Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Room Rate: $279
*Plus tax
Hotel cut-off date for room reservations is August 16th, 2024


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