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Research & Technical Content

Key takeaways, results from ongoing research tasks, and how they are applied.

Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Reference Information

Key information from reference documents and guides (e.g.) or succinct descriptions of concepts (e.g. what is risk and how do I visualize it)

1 - Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Assessing the BATCAM’s Ability to Detect Corona
The detection of electrical discharge activity on and around energized equipment is important as it may indicate a faulty or incorrectly installed component. An assessment of the corona detection ability of the BATCAM’s device is presented by following the link above.

Transmission Inspection Practices and Information Management
EPRI’s Overhead Transmission Program hosted a roundtable discussion in October 2022 with 52 utility representatives to discuss inspection techniques, information processing, current challenges and future possibilities. A summary of the discussion is presented here.

2 - Reference Information

Key information from reference documents and guides (e.g.) or succinct descriptions of concepts (e.g. what is risk and how do I visualize it)

Selecting Effective Inspection and Assessment Methods and Technologies
These table present common detectable defects with corresponding inspection technologies. Selection of the most suitable technology is based on a simple “H”, “M”, “L” scheme for a given component condition: L indicates not effective; H indicates the most effective option; and M indicates a possibility of a false positive or false negative result.

3 - Videos

Updates on tasks or tests