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Research & Technical Content

Key takeaways, results from ongoing research tasks, and how they are applied.

Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Reference Information

Key information from reference documents and guides (e.g.) or succinct descriptions of concepts (e.g. what is risk and how do I visualize it)


Updates on tasks or tests

1 - Research Result Summaries

Latest results from ongoing tasks

Overview of Causes of Compression Connector Failure
Description of sources of compression connector degradation.

Visual Inspection
Description of possible findings from visual inspections with guidance on replacement and/or mitigation.

Dimensioning of Compression Connectors
Description of possible findings from dimensioning compression connectors with guidance on replacement and/or mitigation.

Infrared Thermography of Compression Connectors
Description of possible findings from infrared thermography of connectors with guidance on replacement and/or mitigation.

Radiography of Compression Connectors
Description of possible findings from radiography of connectors with guidance on replacement and/or mitigation.

Resistance Mesurement of Connectors
Description of possible findings from resistance measurements of connectors with guidance on replacement and/or mitigation.

2 - Reference Information

Key information from reference documents and guides (e.g.) or succinct descriptions of concepts (e.g. what is risk and how do I visualize it)

3 - Videos

Updates on tasks or tests

Connectors 101 Training: Conductor-connector systems are vital components to the safety and reliability of the bulk power overhead electric transmission system. When properly selected and installed, connectors are expected to last the design life of the transmission line. Degraded connectors place the conductor-connector system of a transmission line at risk of failure that has significant safety, liability, and loss of service implications. Because of the importance of connectors in transmission system reliability, it is important to understand the performance and degradation of connectors. This training session covers the functions, types, installation, failure mechanisms, and inspection methods of overhead transmission connectors.

3.1 - Connectors 101 Training

Conductor-connector systems are vital components to the safety and reliability of the bulk power overhead electric transmission system. When properly selected and installed, connectors are expected to last the design life of the transmission line. Degraded connectors place the conductor-connector system of a transmission line at risk of failure that has significant safety, liability, and loss of service implications. Because of the importance of connectors in transmission system reliability, it is important to understand the performance and degradation of connectors. This training session covers the functions, types, installation, failure mechanisms, and inspection methods of overhead transmission connectors.