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Research Status & Deliverables

Update of ongoing research and links to project deliverables.

This page provides an update of ongoing research and links to project deliverables. It is important to note there are 14 different task areas being addressed in this project, research is likely ongoing on many topics not outlined below. It is also important to note that while tasks may be worked on in a given year, they may not have a deliverable in that year. This project contains a blend of short, medium, and long term research; many tasks take several years to complete.

Task: Ratings Sensor Field Trials
Task Description: This task investigates the potential value and the practical limitations of real-time rating methods such as dynamic line ratings (DLR). EPRI is presently assisting utilities with pilots, demonstrations, and evaluation of DLR systems as part of supplemental projects. This task seeks to capture key learnings that can benefit the industry and share them in an actionable way.

  • EPRI is currently preparing to deploy hardware at 3 new utility DLR sites in 2024
  • Information sharing sessions are scheduled for 2 virtual sessions and at the in-person task force sessions in 2024

Task: Increased Power Flow Guidebook
Task Description: This guidebook documents state of-the-science, best practices, and mature technologies related to increasing and optimizing power throughput of transmission circuits. The guide supplies training and guidance needed to assess and implement power flow strategies for overhead lines, underground cables, substation equipment, which includes the completion time and economic impact of alternate strategies.

  • EPRI is contacting vendors of DLR equipment to ensure the information in the real-time ratings chapter is up to date
  • Updated graphics continue to be developed, a designer has been engaged to continue to updates of graphics with a focus on Chapters 6 and 7

Task: Transmission Rating Workstation (TRW)
Task Description: TRW is a collection of calculation tools for ratings, sensitivity analysis, risk analysis, and identifying system upgrades. The tools are updated based on new standards and regulations to give utilities tools for both complex and simple ratings tasks.

  • Feedback from users was gathered over several periods in 2023, feedback received after the 2023 release is being implemented in a BETA version planned for spring 2024. These software updates are underway.
  • Tools to support decision making for uprating clearance limited lines have code that is not aligned with modern software practices. This source code is being updated to a modern language to allow the algorithms to be improved in future updates. This work is underway and mostly complete.

Task: Conductor Characteristics for Ratings
Task Description: EPRI performs testing on conductors to better understand their properties as used in transmission ratings. For example, utilities often use assumed values for emissivity or absorptivity. These assumptions can be replaced with the correct information established by laboratory measurements.

  • Conductor samples have been collected from utilities and manufacturers including traditional, non-specular, and coated finishes
  • Testing was paused to resolve an issue with the vacuum chamber seals as air leaks can result in incorrect ratings
  • A set of custom samples are being made to validate and improve absorptivity test algorithms in 2024

Task: Acceptance Challenges with IPF Projects
Task Description: This is a new task requested by members of the project in 2023. The intent is to provide guidance on challenges an engineer may face with acceptance/ compliance for an ampacity upgrade. Understanding what requirements are affected by different types of upgrades can help in capacity upgrade planning and execution.

  • As this is a new task it is in a scoping phase with no planned deliverables in 2024
  • Utility feedback on the specific need and types of deliverables/ training desired will be sought at task force meetings and webcasts
  • A general framework will be developed to map different upgrade types with constraints for adoption (e.g. increasing line current without infringing on magnetic field limit requirements)

Planned Deliverables for 2024

Product ID



EPRI Increased Power Flow Guidebook—2024: Increasing Power Flow in Lines, Cables, and Substations



Cost Effective Measures to Resolve Under-clearance Spans

Technical Update


Conductor Emissivity and Absorptivity Database: Test Results 2006–2024

Technical Update


EPRI Research Facilitating Adoption of FERC Order 881: AAR, seasonal, emergency, forecasted ratings and concerns for next limiting elements

Technical Update


Transmission Ratings Workstation: 2023 Beta



Transmission Ratings Workstation: 2024



Pending Understanding Historical Trends with Climate Events and their Impact on Transmission Ampacity

Technical Update

2023 Deliverables

Product ID



EPRI Increased Power Flow Guidebook—2023: Increasing Power Flow in Lines, Cables, and Substations



Guide for Application of Weather and Forecast Models to Line Ratings

Technical Update


Summary of Existing Rating Practices and Considerations for Emergency Ratings

Technical Update


Utility Experiences with Dynamic Line Rating Technologies

Technical Update


Transmission Ratings Workstation: 2023 Beta



Transmission Rating Workstation 2023



Improved Methods Identifying At-risk and Wind Sheltered Spans

Technical Update

Key Deliverables

Product ID


Comletion Date

Guidance for clearance limited lines: LiDAR, UAS, and ratings best practices

Technical Update


Using risk to establish seasonal ratings: updating to 4 seasons

Technical Update


Conductor Emissivity and Absorptivity Database: Update of Test Results 2006–2022

Technical Update


Increased Power Flow Guidebook-2022 (The Platinum Book)

Technical Update


Transmission Rating Workstation 2022: Final



Quick Insight: Ambient Adjusted and Dynamic Line Ratings on Transmission Facilities



Ambient Adjusted Ratings Application Guide

Technical Update


Line Ratings Sensor Field Trials - Phase 2: LineVision V3

Technical Update


Summary of Recent Increased Transmission Line Utilization Projects: 115 kV and Above

Technical Update


Summary of Weather Data Measurements and Modeling: Use in Realtime and Forecasted Line Rating

Technical Update