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Research Status & Deliverables

Update of ongoing research and links to project deliverables.

Evaluation of the Effect of Emissivity on Conductor-Connector Thermal Performance:
This task intends to undertake research to understand the thermal effects of having a high-emissivity surface on conductor-connector systems. A high-emissivity coating will be applied to aged conductor and new connectors to evaluate their performance and durability. At the end of the thermal cycling, the thermal profiles of the high-emissivity connectors are planned to be compared to non-coated conductor-connector systems. Mechanical tests may also be performed to determine the residual strength after the thermal-mechanical cycling.

Evaluating the Long-Term Effects of High Temperatures on Overhead Line Accessories:
As standard transmission line conductors are operated at higher temperatures, the associated hardware (spacers, clamps, marker balls, and switches, among others) is also exposed to higher temperatures for which they were not designed.

HTC Matrix Software Tool for Evaluating High-Temperature Operations:
The High-Temperature Conductor (HTC) Matrix was developed as a repository for all the high-temperature overhead conductor research conducted by EPRI. The HTC Matrix includes several calculators. For 2024, the intent is to update the software for improved usability and accessibility as well as transfer another calculator to the Web-based platform.

Guide for High-Temperature Operation:
This task intends to update the guide developed to assist utilities in safely operating lines at higher temperatures. Each year, a new chapter could be added, or an existing chapter updated. In 2024, case studies from utilities are expected to be collected and published.

Evaluating Connectors at High Temperature:
There are a variety of overhead transmission connectors that are used, including quadrant clamps, preformed wraparound connectors, and compression connectors. Additionally, new single-stage compression connector designs are entering the market. This task intends to evaluate the performance of these connectors operating at elevated temperatures. In 2024, we anticipate continuing our research into the effects of high-temperature operation on bolted connectors.

Corrosion at Elevated Temperatures:
Corrosion rates increase at elevated temperatures; however, those rates have not been quantified. This task sets out to understand the increase in corrosion rate with elevated temperature. In 2024, empirical evaluations are intended to be performed to initiate development of equations to determine corrosion rates at elevated temperatures.

High-Temperature Effects on Conventional Conductor-Connector Systems:
This task sets out to understand the degradation mechanisms of conventional conductor-connector systems, such as copper, AAC, AAAC, ACAR, and ACSR. In 2024, the thermal effects on copper operating above 75°C are expected to be evaluated.

Planned Deliverables for 2023



Deliverable Type

Planned Completion Date


HTC Matrix: v14




Guide for High-Temperature Operation of Overhead Lines

Technical Update



Corrosion at Elevated Temperatures

Technical Update



High-Temperature Effects on Overhead Transmission Accessories

Technical Update


2023 Deliverables





HTC Matrix: v13



Guide for High-Temperature Operation

Technical Update Report


Overhead Transmission Connectors Operating at High Temperature

Technical Update Report


HTC Matrix Calculator Application

Technical Update Report

Key Deliverables

Product ID



Effect of Elevated-Temperature Operation on Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced Conductor and Connectors

Technical Update Report


High-Temperature Effects on Aluminum Conductor Steel-Reinforced Conductor Components: Switch Testing

Technical Update Report