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Overview & Events

Project description, task information, and event opportunities

In 37.101, research covers the wide spectrum from novel materials such as alternative fluids all the way through to new techniques to cost-effectively keep transformers dry. Research is conducted in EPRI’s full-scale research substation and provides deep and long-term insights into the performance of on-line monitoring technologies (2022 update: 3002024564. Research results are conveyed in ways that make for easy application in the industry—such as through the Transformer Guidebook and the regular technical webinars to support the Guidebook.

Research Value

  • Reduced operations and maintenance (O&M) through improved specification of emerging condition-monitoring techniques, based on solid facts and repeatable test protocols.
  • Third-party, unbiased assessment of online monitoring technologies’ life-cycle costs to aid industry specification and interpretation.
  • Improved risk assessment of transformers, which translates into improved decision-making on these critical assets.

Member Benefits

  • Effective knowledge transfer through the Copper Book and regular technical webinars. The guidebook is a comprehensive collection of transformer knowledge designed specifically for utility owners and operators.
  • Novel technologies for continuous transformer dehydration—which, in turn, translates into reduced O&M and improved reliability.
  • Valuable guidance on the application of novel fluids for transformers.
  • Industry-standards-based loading methodologies for transformers and other equipment on the same circuit.

At A Glance

Unique EPRI transformer research laboratories and expertise are feeding the development of new tools and knowledge to help substation owners anticipate and prevent failures in transformers, extend transformer life, retain key subject knowledge, and specify new diagnostic equipment with confidence. With the increasing need to maximize transformer assets while maintaining the highest levels of system reliability, management of aging power transformers has become a critical issue facing today’s substation owners.

The objectives of this research are to provide accurate, rapid, and useful research results to help members better specify, operate, and maintain transformers. Results take the form of hardware, software, laboratory results and guidebooks. Hardware prototypes are tested first in the laboratory and then piloted in utility substations, allowing for easy future adoption. Online monitoring technologies are thoroughly assessed using repeatable test protocols. The Power Transformer Guidebook (Copper Book) is continually expanded and updated as a comprehensive reference guide that can be used by utility personnel responsible for all aspects of transformer operation, maintenance, procurement, and life-cycle management. The Copper Book is also used as the basis for regular EPRI technical training webinars.

Research Highlights

Membrane technologies for online, low-maintenance dry-out of transformers: EPRI research has developed novel concepts for continuous on-line dry-out of transformers without the need for cartridge replacement. In 2024 research plans to enhance the on-line dehydration technology using Peltier cooling. The prototype is both smaller and more efficient. Field pilots in utility substations will continue to validate the technology and refine the concepts.

Research into the life enhancing properties of ester fluids for transformers: This year’s research looks into the structure and dynamics of ester fluids with Thermally Upgraded Kraft (TUK) paper to help understand why ester fluids provide an extension of life for transformers than naphthenic mineral oil, under the same operating conditions. This research will also help with determining what oil quality limits are appropriate for different ester fluids, and what operating conditions can enhance or be a detriment to the life extension properties of ester fluids for TUK paper systems.

Transformer online monitoring technologies: Laboratory testing to help members in specification development: A full 138-kV EPRI research substation has been commissioned and energized to continue to support this research in 2024. EPRI laboratory test results are executed against a well-defined test protocol for online DGA monitors, online bushing monitors, on-line Partial Discharge monitors and on-line temperature monitors. The results provide valuable assistance in monitor specification, interpretation, and adoption.

Engagement Opportunities

Meeting Date Location Information
EPRI Kick Off Webcast: P37.101 Transformer Life Management & P37.113 Polymer February 8
11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
Webcast Meeting Materials
Transformer Life Management & Bushings Task Force February 19-22 (In-person)
February 26-29 (Virtual)
Charlotte, NC Meeting Materials
Substations 2025 ARP Rollout #1 June 25
10:00 am - 11:30 am ET
Webcast Meeting Materials
EPRI R&D Project Update: P37.101 Transformer Life Management & P37.113 July 16
11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
Webcast Meeting Materials
Substations 2025 ARP Rollout #2 August 6
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Webcast Meeting Materials
Transformer Life Management & Bushings Task Force August 19-22 (In-person)
August 26-29 (Virtual)
Charlotte, NC Meeting Materials
EPRI Substations (Program 37) New Supplemental Launch Webcast October 10, 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET Webcast Meeting Materials
Copper Book Technical Webinar 3: Dissolved Gas Analysis: Optimal sampling and analysis September 25, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET Webcast
Copper Book Technical Webinar 4: Transformer supply chain challenges: Research and technologies to help October 17, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET Webcast
EPRI End of Year Webcast: P37.101 Transformer Life Management P37.113: Polymer Bushings Life Management December 12, 11:00am - 12:00 pm ET Webcast Meeting Materials
Copper Book Technical Webinar 5: Partial discharge detection: How it can help assess transformer risk (plus some case studies) December 17, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET Webcast
EPRI Kick Off Webcast: Transformer Life Management & Polymer Bushing Life Management February 7 11:00am - 12:00pm ET Webcast Webcast Information
Transformer Life Management & Bushings Task Force - March 2025 March 10-13 (In-person)/ March 17-20 (Virtual) Charlotte, NC Register Here