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Research Status & Deliverables

Task: Novel SF6 Leak Sealing Approaches
Task Description: Investigate methods that can be used by utilities to cost-effectively seal SF6 leaks. The emphasis is on identifying materials and techniques that can seal while maintaining equipment operating pressures and are easy to apply and remove by utility personnel without having to resort to outside service providers, clamps, or molds.

  • Seven field trials are currently underway to assess the efficacy of three novel leak sealing approaches at five utility sites. The latest field trial was initiated in December 2023 & involves sealing a leak in a live tank SF6 breaker.
  • Efforts are underway to explore new materials and develop techniques for sealing leaks at lower temperatures & also in larger flanges and various geometries.

Task: Circuit Breaker Online Monitor Efficacy Assessment
Task Description: Develop and apply assessment metrics to various circuit breaker online monitors to determine which monitors and tests provide the most useful information. The objective is to provide utilities guidance on the most informative and cost-effective procedures for nonintrusive diagnostics to support condition-based maintenance.

  • Completed the evaluation of six online monitors based on review of publicly available information.
  • Efforts underway to document utility experience from using online monitors.

Task: Circuit Breaker Guidebook Development
Task Description: Develop a comprehensive reference on circuit breaker procurement, operation, maintenance, and life-cycle management. The goal is to develop a reference guide that gives utilities information on fundamental design descriptions, operation, selection, and application principles, maintenance, monitoring, and replacement. The guide is intended to include an overview of different interrupting technologies and energy storage systems and capture the knowledge of leading circuit breaker experts.

  • Work underway to:
    • Reviewed technical content of eight chapters developed in previous years - eight chapters have been written, including sections on circuit breaker diagnostics, problem and failure investigation, lubrication, pump and compressor maintenance, specifications and procurement and interrupter cleaning.
  • Developed two new chapters:
    • Factory testing and inspection
    • Shipping and installation

2023 Deliverables

Product ID




Advances in Novel SF6 Leak Sealing Techniques Development & Field Testing

Technical Update


Circuit Breaker Guidebook Development - 2023 Update

Technical Update


Circuit Breaker Maintenance Guides - 2023 Update

Technical Update


Circuit Breaker Monitoring – R&D Needs Assessment

Technical Update

2022 Deliverables

Product ID




Novel SF6 Leak Sealing Techniques - 2022 Update - Laboratory and Field Trial Results

Technical Update


Circuit Breaker Guidebook Development - 2022 Update

Technical Update


Circuit Breaker Maintenance Supplements - 2022 Update

Technical Update


Circuit Breaker Diagnostics Efficacy Assessment

Technical Update