HVDC Converter Stations and FACTS Technologies
Project 37.116
This project assesses and evaluates high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) and flexible alternating-current transmission systems (FACTS) technologies. HVDC and FACTS technologies offer options to increase the transmission capacity of existing lines. Significant advancements on HVDC and FACTS technologies have been made in recent years, for example, the development of voltage-source converter (VSC) technology. As HVDC transmission systems and FACTS are planned, built and refurbished, it is important that the power industry has access to the latest technologies and options to make proper selections and decisions between an AC or DC system. Research is also needed to reduce the cost of HVDC and FACTS controllers to increase their applications. In addition, applications of HVDC and FACTS for renewable integration and smart transmission grid need to be studied considering both technical and economic aspects.
Research Status & Deliverables
Includes status updates of ongoing research a meeting-webcast calendar and links to 2023, 2022, and 2021 deliverables for Project P37.116