Research Status & Deliverables

Update of ongoing research and links to the project deliverables.

Task: Data Analytics Training: Analytics to Improve Transmission Asset Management and Maintenance
Task Description: Many transmission utilities are adopting asset management methods for making data driven decisions. This task aims to develop & deliver a series of webcasts to introduce the concepts, processes, techniques, and value of analytics in transmission asset management decision making. Data requirements, techniques and application examples will be presented.

  • Training material development underway.
  • Two webcasts will be scheduled on 4th October (morning & afternoon session) to deliver training.

Task: Transmission Asset Performance Metrics
Task Description: Catalog metrics currently being used to manage and assess transmission asset performance.

  • Results from responses to 2022 questionnaire are available. They are based on responses from 21 US & International transmission utilities.
  • Development of a new questionnaire to better understand transmission utility asset performance metrics is underway.

Task: Asset Health Systems
Task Description: Maintain library of emerging as well as commercially available enterprise-wide asset health systems & their capabilities.

  • Work underway to update library of commercially available enterprise wide asset health systems & their capabilities (also referred to as asset performance management systems)
  • Efforts initiating to develop an approach to assess the maturity of various third party systems and help utilities in selecting a system that best suits their unique business environment.

Task: Data Specifications for Asset Performance Analysis
Task Description: Develop data specifications for asset performance analysis.

  • Work underway to add new technical content to guide utilities on what equipment specific data to collect & why.

Planned Deliverables for 2023

Product ID




Metrics for managing & assessing Transmission Asset Performance

Technical Update


Data Specifications for Asset Performance Analysis

Technical Update


Data Analytics Training: Analytics to Improve Transmission Asset Management and Maintenance

Tech Transfer Workshop (Virtual)

2022 Deliverables

Product ID




Metrics for Managing and Assessing Transmission Asset Performance

Technical Update


Data Specifications for Asset Performance Analysis

Technical Update