Underground Transmission Asset Analytics

Project 34.004

There is a need to develop the new metrics and analytics required to support best practices in underground transmission system life-cycle management. Proposed research intends to better understand underground transmission system materials, component, and subsystem performance by:

  • Collecting and analyzing industry wide cable system inspection, periodic testing (e.g., dissolved gas in oil analysis, insulation tests, partial discharge), and outage and maintenance work management data.
  • Design, develop, populate, maintain, and extract information from industrywide databases (IDBs) for underground transmission systems and components that help quantify historical performance.
  • Assess and understand factors influencing asset performance.
  • Develop methodologies to project and assess future performance and risk.

The results would help utilities better understand:

  • Material, component, and subsystem performance.
  • The impact of make, model, manufacturer, environment, and operating practice.
  • Cable insulation service life.

David Kummer

Project Manager

Overview & Events

Project description, task information, and event opportunities.

Research Status & Deliverables

Includes updates of ongoing research, a meeting webcast calendar and list of planned 2022 deliverables.

Research & Technical Content

Key takeaways, results from ongoing research tasks and how they are applied in informing asset management decisions.