Overview & Events

Project description, task information, and event opportunities

Project Objective

The objective of the Overhead Transmission Connector Management Project is to optimize the resiliency of overhead transmission connectors by:

  • Understanding degradation mechanisms of connectors through evaluations of connectors from the field as well as laboratory studies.
  • Improving inspection techniques and by learning about new and emerging technologies, defining acceptance criteria for different inspection methods, and performing empirical studies to determine guidance on best practices for performing connector inspections.
  • Providing guidance on selection and application of connectors by collaborating with utilities to collect case studies and performing laboratory studies understand performance of connectors.
  • Developing guidance for utilities to manage connectors across an entire transmission system.
  • Training utility staff on installation, inspection, and maintenance of connectors.

Project Value

This project provides value to our members by:

  • Providing acceptance criteria for inspection methods for overhead transmission connectors through long term testing
  • Providing guidance on selecting the appropriate connector based on field and laboratory research
  • Providing guidance and training on installation of overhead transmission connectors based on case studies and laboratory evaluations
  • Providing guidance on mitigation methods for overhead transmission connectors
  • Providing insight into failure mechanisms of aged connectors

At A Glance

Inspecting and predicting the remaining life of splice and dead-end compression connectors are major challenges. Technologies currently used to inspect compression connectors are not always reliable and repeatable, and application methods and acceptance criteria for connectors using these technologies are not well defined.
This project intends to assess, develop application guidelines, and refine acceptance criteria for existing inspection technologies and work to identify and evaluate new inspection technologies. This project aims to improve installation practices, inspection methods, and remediation of compression connectors by expanding connector installation guidelines, evaluating existing and new connector inspection technologies and techniques, and providing guidance on population assessment methodologies.

Key Activities

Evaluation of Compression Connector Inspection Technologies. Various compression connector inspection technologies are expected to be identified, reviewed, and evaluated. The accuracy and best practices are intended to be identified for each technology.

Analysis of Failed or Removed from Service Connectors. Connectors that failed in service or were removed from service are evaluated in a laboratory to better understand aging and failure modes. Tests might include resistance measurements, thermal responses, IR measurements, radiographic analysis, and dissection or mechanical tensile testing to failure.

Guidelines for Compression Connector Inspection and Assessment. Guidelines to assist utilities with the inspection and management of line compression connectors based on previous EPRI research results. In 2022, additional details on residual strength after improper installation of the core sleeve of a two-stage compression connector is intended on being presented.

Guidelines for Management of Compression Connectors. Guidelines to assist utilities with managing compression connectors through their lifetime including scheduling of inspections, selection inspection methods, data collection and use, prioritizing, and mitigation strategies. In 2022 the intention is to collect and present case studies of the implementation of population assessment programs.

Joint Compound Evaluation and Mechanical Evaluation of Two-Stage Compression Connectors The intent is to evaluate case studies of utilities This project evaluates the effect of the installation method of joint compound to the electrical, thermal, and mechanical performance of two-stage compression connectors over a simulated 40-year period.

Engagement Opportunities

Meeting Date Location Information
Inspection and Assessment Task Force March 10-13 (In-person)
March 17-20 (Virtual)
Charlotte, NC Register Here
EPRI R&D Project Update Webcast: Connector Management (P35.004) June 17
2:00-2:30 pm ET
Overhead Transmission 2026 ARP Rollout #1 July 17
10:00 am - 11:00 pm ET
Overhead Transmission 2026 ARP Rollout #2 July 24
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Inspection and Assessment Task Force August 18-22 (In-person)
August 25-29 (Virtual)
Charlotte, NC
EPRI End of Year Webcast: Connector Management (P35.004) December 11
2:00-2:30 pm ET