Research Status & Deliverables

Includes status updates of ongoing research, meeting/webcast calendar, and links to deliverables

Evaluation of Compression Connector Inspection Technologies: Various connector inspection technologies are expected to be identified, reviewed, and evaluated. Radiographic technology and UAS-based connector inspection improvements as well as case studies of connector inspections are intended to be collected in 2024. Developments on new and emerging inspection techniques are intended to be added to the Connector Inspection Guide.

Analysis of Failed or Removed from Service Connectors: Connectors that have failed in service or have been removed from service are evaluated in a laboratory to better understand aging and failure modes. Tests may include resistance measurements, thermal responses, IR measurements, radiographic analysis, and dissection or mechanical tensile testing to failure. This information is to be included and tracked in a database to identify trends in the industry. An update to the report Evaluation of Aged Connectors is intended to be published in 2024. If you have a connector that you would like to be evaluated, please email Rachel Moore at

Degradation of Single-Stage Compression Fittings at 75°C: Guidelines to assist utilities with the inspection and management of line connectors based on previous EPRI research results. In 2024, components are to be acquired, and the test is intended to be set up for long-term thermal-mechanical aging of single-stage compression fittings.

Guidelines for Management of Connectors: Guidelines help to assist utilities with managing connectors through their lifetime, including scheduling of inspections, selection inspection methods, data collection and use, prioritizing, and mitigation strategies. In 2024, additional acceptance criteria for the various inspection techniques are intended to be included in the published Connector Management Guide.

Effects of Joint Compound Application in Overhead Transmission Compression Connector Performance: Accelerated aging at 93°C of test lines assembled with different amounts of joint compound is to be started into 2024 to evaluate the impact of joint compound on the thermal and electrical performance of two-stage compression connectors. In 2024, thermal-mechanical aging is anticipated to begin on two-stage compression fittings with different amounts of joint compound applied.

Degradation of Jumper Segments and Design Guidance: Degradation of jumper conductors and connectors can be accelerated by some installation methods. This task seeks to outline the various connectors utilized in jumper assemblies and how best to install them on overhead transmission circuits. In 2024, current guidance as well as degradation mechanisms on jumper segments are expected to be studied, and a comprehensive guide to design and installation is expected to be developed. Degradation Modes of T-Taps. In 2024, we intend to continue investigating degradation modes of bolt-on and compression T-taps on conventional conductor-connector systems operating at or below 100°C.

2024 Deliverables

Deliverable Name

Deliverable Type

Planned Completion Date

Connector Inspection Guide

Technical Update


Connector Management Guide

Technical Update


Evaluation of Aged Compression Connectors

Technical Update


Effects of Connector Compound Application in Overhead Transmission Compression Connector Performance

Technical Update


2023 Deliverables

Deliverable Name

Deliverable Type

Product ID

Connector Inspection Guide

Technical Update


Compression Connector Management Guide

Technical Update


Evaluation of Aged Compression Connectors

Technical Update


Effects of Connector Compound Application in Overhead Transmission Compression Connector Performance

Technical Update


Historical Deliverables

Deliverable Name

Deliverable Type

Product ID

Effects of Joint Compound Application in Overhead Transmission Compression Connector Performance

Technical Update


Radiographic Inspection of Compression Connectors: Inspection Specifications

Technical Update