Line Design Tools and Practices for Construction & Maintenance

Project 35.007

The design of transmission lines is a multifaceted electrical, mechanical, and structural engineering challenge. The objectives of this project are to facilitate the engineering and construction of higher-performing transmission lines, to enhance the knowledge and skill of engineers performing line design, and to assist in the research and development of tools and solutions that complement the line engineering effort.

Jean-Pierre Marais

Technical Executive

Overview & Events

Project description, task information, and event opportunities

Project Objectives • Reference Books • Design Tools • Supplemental Projects

Research Status & Deliverables

Update of ongoing research and links to project deliverables.

2023 Deliverables • Event Schedule • 2023 Planned Deliverables

Research & Technical Content

Key takeaways, results from ongoing research tasks, and how they are applied.

Conductor Tension Optimization • Engineering Software