Overview & Events
Key Research Question
Lightning is the leading cause of outages and service interruptions on transmission lines. Finding the most effective measures to improve the lighting performance of lines can be challenging. Often confronted with several options, such as grounding improvements, insulation modifications, or application of line surge arresters, engineers seek guidance on which solution to apply. Sometimes, the option chosen impacts other design aspects. For example, transmission line grounding influences both lightning performance and the public/worker safety of transmission lines.
The objective is to help overhead transmission owners and operators mitigate lightning outages and evaluate the effectiveness of grounding systems to enhance system reliability, and reduce costs by providing tools and reference material to improve the lightning and grounding performance of transmission lines by:
The objective is to help overhead transmission line owners and operators enhance system reliability and reduce costs by providing a technical basis that supports utility decisions related to lightning and grounding. This is accomplished by:
- Developing engineering tools
- Developing resource material, such as the Lightning and Grounding Reference Book
- Developing tests to improve the reliability of transmission line surge arresters
- Developing training materials and providing in-person training
- Developing an instrument (EPRI Zed-Meter) to measure the structure grounding impedance and soil resistivity quickly and without disconnecting the ground wire
- Transferring the research results via face-to-face meetings, webcasts, and workshops
The tasks addressed in the project in 2024 include:
Lightning Arc Damage to OPGWs In recent years, utilities are increasingly experiencing damage to optical fiber ground wires (OPGWs) caused by lightning strikes to the ground wire. In some cases, severe damage to the OPGW could result in failure of the communication link or mechanical failure of the ground wire. In 2024, this task intends to review the sizing method of OPGW regarding lightning arc damage and the associated test protocols commonly used by utilities.
Shield Wire Insulation Performance Utilities use insulators on shield wires to control circulating currents and inductive power losses. When the shield wire is struck by lightning, the insulator can flash over, and if the arc is sustained, the insulator can be damaged. In 2024, this task intends to develop guidelines on applying shield wire insulators.
Transmission Line Surge Arrester Selection Non-gapped line arresters are often applied to improve the lightning performance of transmission lines and to control overvoltages. Their selection is not straightforward, and utilities typically rely on manufacturers for this. In 2024, this task intends to document the selection method using the recent updates of IEC and IEEE standards allowing for a more precise definition of the energy-handling capacity and to provide a tool to simplify the selection.
Educational Video on Lightning Attraction Models for Transmission Lines
Under this task, a library of educational videos is being developed to enhance the technical understanding and competencies of utility personnel.
In 2024, this task intends to complement the series of educational videos on lightning performance by explaining how lightning interacts with a transmission line and how it is modeled to estimate the attraction of lightning strikes to phase conductors that can cause shielding failure flashovers.
Lightning and Grounding Reference Book EPRI has amassed a large knowledge base of lightning and grounding information. This task develops a single reference book that consolidates previous EPRI lightning and grounding research. The reference guide enables utilities to quickly find information, explanations, and tools for improving the outage performance of their overhead lines. Some of those tools are hosted on EPRI’s transmission.epri.com to help utilities compare technical solutions and to provide additional training materials. The reference book (available in electronic format) is updated with new information each year.
Transmission Line Workstation—Generation 2 (TLW-Gen2) Software: Lightning Performance and Power Frequency Grounding Modules
New version of the Lightning Performance Analysis Module (TFlash). This is a software tool for determining the lightning performance of lines. This task intends to update the tool with the latest research results to improve and expand its modeling capabilities. Participants of this project get access to the Lightning Performance module of TLW-Gen2.
Updating the Power Frequency Grounding Module. This is a software tool for calculating fault current division and circulating currents on transmission line. This task intends to update the software to expand its capabilities. Participants of this project get access to the Power Frequency Grounding module of TLW-Gen2.
Research Value
This project is expected to have the following impact:
- Improved lightning performance and safety of transmission lines by providing engineers with effective tools and an improved knowledge base
- Addressing the loss of institutional knowledge by providing guides, training, and software tools to engineering staff who are new to the field of lightning and grounding
- Reduced costs by providing improved tools (for example, Zed-Meter and TLW-Gen 2) for field inspection and engineering design
- Improved public and worker safety, by calculating the tower footing voltages and their associated step and touch potentials is case of a fault on the line
Engagement Opportunities
Meeting | Scheduled Date |
Location |
Information |
Lightning and Grounding Task Force | February 19-22 (In-person) / February 26-29 (Virtual) | Charlotte, NC | Meeting Materials |
Overhead Transmission 2025 ARP Rollout #1 | June 12: 11:00am - 12:30pm ET | Webcast | Meeting Materials |
EPRI R&D Project Update Webcast: P35.006 Lightning and Grounding | June 18: 11:00am - 12:00pm ET | Webcast | |
Overhead Transmission 2025 ARP Rollout #2 | July 16: 2:00pm - 3:30pm ET | Webcast | Meeting Materials |
Lightning and Grounding Task Force | August 19-22 (In-person) / August 26-29 (Virtual) | Charlotte, NC | Meeting Material |
EPRI Overhead Transmission (Program 35) New Supplemental Launch Webcast | October 8 : 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET | Webcast | Meeting Materials |
TFlash Training | November 19 - 20 | Charlotte, NC | |
EPRI End of Year Webcast: P35.006 Lightning and Grounding | November 21 : 11:00am - 12:00pm ET | Charlotte, NC | Meeting Material |
Lightning and Grounding Task Force - March 2025 | March 10-13 (In-person) / March17-20 (Virtual) | Charlotte, NC | Register Here |