Updates & Events

Info for members about events, updates, and results

Project Status

As of June 2024, EPRI scouted Drone Dock solutions, developed and applied functional specifications, purchased, installed, and operated a Skydio Dock. Testing related to “System Integration and General Capabilities” is underway. These tests include electromagnetic tests, collision avoidance tests, and flight position monitoring. Additionally, the work expanded to consider safety, regulatory, and best practices for operating a Drone Dock beyond visual line of sight, BVLOS.

Deliverables (to date)

The deliverables for the project include:

Planned Tasks and Updates

The work will be performed in five tasks:
Task 1: Engage with utilities, technology service providers, and other industry groups to develop specifications and technology requirements for drone Dock utility applications.
Task 2: Scout, prioritize, acquire, and install hardware and software solutions that meet the functional specification.
Task 3: Perform general testing of Dock systems in the laboratory to understand performance in outdoor utility environments.
Task 4: Perform application-specific laboratory testing with representative utility applications (based on technical domain selection)
Task 5: Document the project results, and host periodic webcasts to update the members on the project status for each domain.

Engagement Opportunities

Activity Name Description Date
Webcast Discussion of test plan TBD
Webcast Discussion of specification document 26th October 2023
In-Person Event Digital Worker Conference 10th - 12th October 2023
Webcast Drone Dock Interview 20th June 2023
Webcast Project Start Meeting 1st June 2023
Webcast Project Kick off meeting 12th April 2023