Substation Robot Analytics

It is foreseeable that robotic machines, “mechatronics,” will be a part of a next-generation substation inspection program. These remote controlled, or autonomous, platforms can carry many useful payloads: cameras, LiDAR, EMF, and other useful. Optimally, the devices would “live” in the substation ready to go, when needed. This could support routine inspection or on-demand tasks.

EPRI has demonstrated that utilities can deploy these tools within a representative substation environment and collect data from the assets either on-demand, autonomously, and even 24/7. However, research questions still exist:

  • What data can utilities collect, confidently?
  • What analytical tools exist to manage and visualize the data?
  • What data relationships exist between the sensor and the asset?
  • How much of the data analysis can be automated?

Dexter Lewis

Principal Technical Leader

Sunny Arokia Swamy Bellary

Research Engineer – Substation Assets and Robotics

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