Research Status & Deliverables

Recap of 2022 and Planned 2023 Tasks and Updates

TSIG was launched in late Q2 of 2022. The vision for the project is to have a couple of meetings each year (face-to-face, WebEx, or hybrid) to facilitate discussions and give updates as appropriate.

The first TSIG meeting was held in conjunction with the EPRI Safety Conference in July 2022. The first meeting, held at the EPRI campus in Charlotte, NC had participation from over 30 people representing more than 15 industry organizations.

Since that time, routine update emails have been sent out to a growing contact list of interested industry professionals at all levels of their respective organizations.

EPRI staff is currently exploring the potential for the next TSIG meeting as a face-to-face event in late Q2 in the Northeast, and another face-to-face meeting in late Q2 in the Southeast. Additional information will be shared as details firm up.

Calendar of Events

Quarter Date


Q1 2023

March 9

Update email

Q2 2023



Q3 2023


Virtual Face-to-face-meeting

Q4 2023


Update email