Transmission and Substations
Program 34, 35, 36, 37, HVDC and EPRI|U for Transmission
Transmission and Substations (T&S) area aims to address the challenges facing transmission asset owners and operators. The area is focused on transmission (overhead and underground) and substation assets, their life cycle, and industry issues. This site provides participants a way to interact with research results and stay involved with on-going projects.
For information regarding transmission operations and planning research at EPRI, click here
For more information : TDI@EPRI.COM
Engagement Opportunities
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
Projects- P35.019- HVDC Lines and P37.116- HVDC Converter Stations and Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) Devices
EPRI U for Transmission
EPRI U for Transmission provides high-quality, foundational technical training for utility engineers and other transmission staff that work in assets, asset management, operations, and planning
Contaminated Insulation Interest Group (CIIG)
The CIIG is intended to be a forum where T&D asset owners can regularly engage with one another and world experts on the topic of contaminated external high voltage insulation.