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Research Status & Deliverables

2024 Research

Increased Power Flow Guidebook:

  • The Increased Power Flow Guidebook will be updated with new material on the state of the science and best practices for increasing and optimizing power flow through existing (or new) transmission systems and their associated circuit components.

Battery Monitoring Systems:

  • Report on battery-associated hazards and failure modes

  • Monitor procurement guides

  • Performing installation and commissioning for battery monitoring devices

Transmission Rating Workstation (TRW):

  • Enhancements to the substations module (STLoad) within Transmission Rating Workstation (TRW 2024) with greater ease of customer use

Arrester Condition & Failure Monitoring:

  • Continued condition monitoring of arresters in the lab environments

2024 Deliverables

Product ID Name Type
3002030040 Robotics Assisting Electrical Substation Inspectors Technical Update
3002030041 Battery Monitoring Systems Procurement Guide for Substation Applications Quick Reference
3002030267 EPRI Increased Power Flow Guidebook - 2024: Increasing Power Flow in Lines, Cables, and Substations Technical Update
3002029601 EPRI Research Facilitating Adoption of FERC Order 881: AAR, seasonal, emergency, forecasted ratings and concerns for next limiting elements Technical Update

2023 Deliverables

Product ID Name Type
3002027331 Increased Power Flow Guidebook (Platinum Book) Technical Update
3002027110 Insights and Considerations from Substation Battery Monitoring System Evaluation and Testing Technical Update
3002027100 Transmission Rating Workstation (TRW) STLoad 2023 Pre-Software
3002027105 Transmission Rating Workstation (TRW) STLoad 2023 Software
3002027110 Battery Monitoring Systems: Laboratory assessments Technical Update
3002027114 Arrester Condition & Failure Monitoring Technical Update

2022 Deliverables

Product ID Name Type
3002024610 Increased Power Flow Guidebook (Platinum Book) Technical Update
3002024612 Battery Monitoring Systems: Laboratory Assessments Technical Update
3002024614 Transmission Rating Workstation 2022 Software