Enhancing Transmission Line Resiliency

Project 35.008

The objectives of this project are to enhance the resiliency of transmission lines in two main ways. First, to leverage technology to achieve hardening of both new and existing transmission lines. Additionally, provide guidance on how to contain the extent of damage during a failure event, and on the application and design of emergency structures and restoration strategies.

Jean-Pierre Marais

Technical Executive

Overview & Events

Project description, task information, and event opportunities

Project Objectives • Line Hardening • Emergency Line Restoration • Failure Case Studies

Research Status & Deliverables

Update of ongoing research and links to project deliverables.

2023 Deliverables • Event Schedule • 2023 Planned Deliverables

Research & Technical Content

Key takeaways, results from ongoing research tasks, and how they are applied.

Dynamic Impact Load Factors • Preliminary Test Results